Download Customer Journey Analytics data

You can download Customer Journey Analytics data to your personal workstation. This can be in the form of copied data, CSV, or PDF. A PDF is typically preferred if you want visualizations included in the downloaded file. CSV and copied data is preferred if you simply want plain-text data.

Other methods of exporting Customer Journey Analytics data are also available, as described in Export overview.

Download as CSV or PDF download-project

  1. Do either of the following, depending on what format you want the download to be in:

    • PDF: Select Project > Download PDF.

      Choose this option if you want the downloaded file to contain all the displayed (visible) tables and visualizations in the project.

    • CSV: Select Project > Download CSV.

      Choose this option if you want the downloaded file to be plain-text.

    The Project drop-down menue with the Download CSV and Download PDF options highlighted.

  2. (Conditional) If you chose to download a PDF, a message is shown after the project is ready to be downloaded. Select Download.

For project downloads, keep in mind:

  • The project can be saved or unsaved when you request a project download. However, only saved projects can be scheduled.
  • PDFs downloaded in the browser can take several minutes to export because the project is re-run on Adobe servers before rendering in PDF format. We recommend not leaving the project until the PDF downloads in your browser. However, you can continue to make changes to the project while you wait. If a PDF takes longer than 5 minutes to render, you will be prompted to email it instead.
  • PDF downloads are rendered as a single page with no pagination applied.
  • When a project is rendered to PDF, we render what is on the page. If a project has custom-sized visualizations and panels, you need to change them to be auto-sized (button in top-right corner) so that there will be no truncated content.

Copy to clipboard (hotkey: Ctrl+C) copy-data

The right-click option Copy to clipboard lets you quickly copy Customer Journey Analytics data from Workspace and paste it in a third-party tool.

  • If you want the displayed table copied, right-click the table header and choose Copy data to clipboard.
  • If you want a subset of data copied, make a selection in the table and then right-click > Copy selection to clipboard.
You can use the hotkey Ctrl+C to copy your selection to the clipboard, then use Ctrl+V to paste it into a third-party tool.

The Copy selection to clipboard option.

Download as CSV download-data

The right-click option Download data as CSV allows you to download a table of Customer Journey Analytics data or the data source of any visualization as a CSV.

  • From the header of any table or visualization, right-click and choose Download data as CSV. This downloads the displayed Customer Journey Analytics data in the table or the underlying data source for a visualization as a CSV.

    note note
    Note: the Map visualization does not support this option.
  • Within a table, right-click and choose Download selection as CSV. Only the selection is downloaded with this option, as opposed to the full, displayed table.

The Download data as CSV option.

Download items as CSV download-items

If you want to analyze more than the visible 400 rows of data in a table, right-click the table header or any row and select Download items as CSV (Dimension name). This option exports up to 50,000 dimension items (based on the table sort) for the selected dimension, with sort options and filters applied. If you chose this option from the top of the table, the first dimension in the table will be exported. While no limits are enforced in the freeform table, it is recommended that the Download items option be used in tables with less than 20 columns to ensure optimal performance.

If your dimension exceeds 50,000 items, download the file with different sort metrics applied or apply a filter. For example, sort descending by Visits in one download and then ascending by Visits in a second download. This tip can help you retrieve longer-tail items.

You can multi-task within the project and even navigate to a new Workspace project in the same tab while the download is in progress. The download pauses if you open a new browser tab. The download is canceled if you leave Workspace completely or close the browser tab.

The Download items as CSV (Page) option.

Downloaded items file items-file

Features of the table will be applied to the downloaded file as follows:

  • All panel filters are applied as filters.
  • Breakdowns above the selected dimension in the table are applied as filters above each column.
  • Breakdowns below the selected dimension in the table are removed.

In the example above, Page items are downloaded with the panel filter (New Visitors Customers) and components above (Marketing Channel = Email) applied as filters, and the components below (Mobile Device Type) removed from the downloaded CSV.

The downloaded .csv file opened in Excel.

Download notifications notifications

As the file downloads, you will see an informational notification with the progress. At any time, you can cancel the download by clicking Cancel download. Closing the toast will not cancel the download.

Once the file completes, you will see a completion notification and the file will download to your browser.

If you request more than one download at a time, you will receive a notification that each additional download will be queued until the prior download completes.

The download status notification showing the percentage complete and a Cancel download link.

Download sensitive data sensitive

If the Enforce Download data governance policy is turned on in the data view you are reporting on, any download (such as emailing or sharing PDF files) of Workspace projects will hash the data fields labeled as sensitive. You can still do analysis on these fields in Workspace, but if you try to email or otherwise share a project, the blocked fields will appear as empty in the .pdf or .csv file.

FAQ faq

Why is my downloaded PDF one page?
Workspace does not paginate downloaded PDFs at this time.
Can I export more than 50,000 items with the “Download items as CSV” option?
While each download can contain up to 50,000 dimension items, you can change the sort of your table to retrieve longer tail items, or apply a filter to download more specific items.
What does Copy visualization do?
Unlike Copy data to clipboard or Copy selection to clipboard, the Copy visualization right-click option is not an export option. It allows you to copy a visualization or panel from one place in Workspace to another. For example, from one panel to another in the same project, or from one project to another project. Intra-linking video