Create annotations

By default, only Admins can create annotations. Users have rights to view annotations like they do with other other Analytics components (such as filters, calculated metrics, etc.).

However, Admins can give the Annotation Creation permission (Analytics Tools) to users via the Adobe Admin Console.

  1. To create annotations, you have several ways to get started:
Creation method
Go to Components > Annotation.
The Annotations Manager page opens. Click Create New Annotation and the Annotation builder opens.
Right-click a point on a table.

The Annotation builder opens. Note that, by default, annotations created this way are visible only in the project where they were created. But you can make them available to all projects. Also notice that the date/s and any metric, etc., have already been populated.

Right-click a point in a Line graph.

The Annotation builder opens. Note that, by default, annotations created this way are visible only in the project where they were created. But you can make them available to all projects. Also notice that the date/s and any metric, etc., have already been populated.

In Workspace, go to Components > Create annotation.
The Annotation builder opens.
Use this hotkey to open the Annotation builder: (PC) ctrl shift + o, (Mac) shift + command + o
Note that by using the hotkey to create an annotation, you create a single-day annotation for the current date, without any pre-selected scope (metrics or dimensions).
Use the Customer Journey Analytics Annotations API
The Customer Journey Analytics Annotations APIs allow you to create, update, or retrieve annotations programmatically through Adobe Developer. These APIs use the same data and methods that Adobe uses inside the product UI.
  1. Fill in the Annotation builder elements.

    Annotation details window showing fields and options described in the next section.

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 layout-auto
    Element Description
    Title Name the annotation, e.g. “Memorial Day”
    Description (Optional) Provide a description for the annotation, e.g. “Public holiday observed in the US”.
    Tags (Optional) Organize annotations by creating or applying a tag.
    Applied date Select the date or date range that needs to be present for the annotation to be visible.
    Color Apply a color to the annotation. The annotation appears in the project with the selected color. Color can be used to categorize annotations, such as public holidays, external events, tracking issues, etc.

    (Optional) Drag and drop the metrics that trigger the annotation. Then drag and drop any dimensions or filters that act as as filters (i.e., that the annotation will be visible with). If you don’t specify a scope, the annotation will apply to all your data.

    • Any of these metrics are present: Drag and drop up to 10 metrics that will trigger the annotation to show.
    • With all of these filters: Drag and drop up to 10 dimensions or filters that will filter when the annotation shows.

    Use cases: An eVar has stopped collecting data for a specific date range. Drag the eVar into the Any of these metrics are present dialog. Or your Visits metric isn’t reporting any data - follow the same process.

    Note: Any annotation applied to a component that is then used as part of a calculated metric or filter definition does NOT automatically inherit the annotation. The desired calculated metric must also be added to the scope section to display the annotation. However, a new annotation should be created for any filter that you wish to annotate with the same information.

    Example: You apply an annotation to Orders on a specific day. You then use Orders in a calculated metric for the same date range. The new calculated metric will not automatically display the annotation for orders; the calculated metric must be also be added to the scope section for the annotation to be displayed.

    Apply to all data views By default, the annotation applies to the originating data view. By checking this box, you can make the annotation apply to all data views in the company.
    Apply to all projects By default, the annotation applies to the current project. By checking this box, you can make the annotation apply to all projects that you own. Note that this checkbox appears only when you launch the Annotation builder from the Annotation builder?
  2. Click Save.
